National Gun Violence Awareness Day
RRHA employees will wear orange on Friday, June 7, 2024, in honor of National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Residents are invited to join us and wear orange to stand united with those affected by gun violence.
Wear Orange is a national movement that coincides with National Gun Violence Awareness Day on the first Friday in June each year. Dedicated to Hadiya Pendleton, who was shot and killed on a Chicago playground in 2013, Wear Orange believes: “We deserve more than to live in a country where firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States.”
RRHA Tip Line: (804) 780-4244
RRHA is dedicated to keeping our communities safe. Use the tip line to anonymously report:
- Unsolved Crimes
- Illegal Activity
- Violence
- Illegal Weapons
- Drug Activities
- Robberies
We take tips seriously and investigate all reports.