Business Opportunities

Partner with RRHA

Join us as we build a resilient and dynamic future for Richmond’s public and mixed-income housing.


Partner with RRHA to make a positive social impact in Richmond. Learn how to access solicitation opportunities on eVA.


Help us to help change the lives of our residents and get on the road to success. Apply for bond financing for eligible affordable housing projects.


Apply to be listed as a property maintenance service provider.

Property Owners

Receive guaranteed on-time rent every month with stable, long-term tenants as an HCVP landlord.


RRHA Deputy Director of Procurement & Contract Administration: Dorothy Morris
Phone: (804) 780-3450

Using eVA to Access Bidding Opportunities

RRHA posts solicitation opportunities (IFBs, RFPs, RFQs) on eVA, Virginia’s electronic procurement marketplace.

eVA marketplace

RRHA encourages vendors to register as an eVA Supplier to receive electronic notifications of current and future opportunities.

Need help? Visit the eVA Customer Care page or call 866-289-7367.

To view open bids

1. Go to

2. Hover on “Business Opportunities” in the navigation and select Virginia Business Opportunities (VBO) from the drop-down menu

eVA instructions

3. Search for buying entity “Richmond Redevelopment Housing Authority(Do not include “and”, as in Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority)

Request for Proposals: Project Management for Capital Improvement

Issue Date: 3/19/2025

Section 3 Preference

RRHA extends preferences to bids or proposals submitted by Section 3-certified businesses. To receive preference, businesses must demonstrate responsiveness to bid specifications and the responsibility to complete the project as specified in the solicitation.

Armstrong Renaissance townhomes

New Vendors

All vendors are required to complete the New Vendor Documents in order to partner with RRHA.

Bond Financing

RRHA finances development projects throughout Richmond to support affordable housing needs and economic development. Learn about our Tax Exempt Bond Program.

Townhouses in Richmond, VA (RVA)
A Meet & Lease graphic featuring hands exchanging house keys.

Become an HCV Landlord

Richmond-area property owners are able to accept Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) tenants and receive subsidy payments and rent guarantees from RRHA.

RRHA receives both federal and state funds, and therefore must adhere to the laws and regulations of both legislative bodies. To acquire high-quality goods and services at a reasonable cost, we conduct procurement in a fair and impartial manner, avoiding any impropriety or appearance of impropriety. RRHA makes business opportunities available without arbitrary or capricious exclusions to all qualified contractors and vendors.