Jackson Ward Working Groups Meeting
During this meeting, we will discuss input received during the 6/14 Gilpin Court resident listening workshop and 6/16 community listening workshop and initial data collected via the resident needs assessment and community survey.
We will also prepare for the Community Plan Workshop scheduled for August 2022.
Working Groups are topic-specific groups charged with developing and reviewing content for the Jackson Ward Community Plan. The lead facilitators for each group are listed below:

Neighborhood Working Group
Maritza Pechin (maritza.pechin@rva.gov) & Yessenia Revilla (yessenia.revilla@rva.gov), City of Richmond

People Working Group
Amy Popovich (amy.popovich@vdh.virginia.gov) & Jackie Lawrence (jackie.lawrence@vdh.virginia.gov), Richmond Health District

Housing Working Group
Desi Wynter (desi.wynter@rrha.com) & Alicia Garcia (alicia.garcia@rrha.com), RRHA