HCV Landlords

Renting to Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) tenants is a smart financial decision for landlords and helps communities, too.

HCV tenants are stable long-term renters who pay their bills. Both they and their landlords are supported by RRHA subsidies and assistance.

Application steps for a HCVP tenant based voucher

About the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP)

Formerly known as Section 8

Tentant based vouchers allow participants to choose and rent units from private owners. RRHA pays a fixed amount of the rent to the owner, and the tenant pays the remainder.

Why become an HCV Landlord?

Subsidy payments are made directly to the landlord every single month.

RRAH helpa identify and address maintenance concerns early, saving money in the long-term.

There is a direct line of access to assist with any tenancy issues that may arise. Contact HCVPleasing@RRHA.com

If your tenant suffers an unexpected financial hardship, you’re protected from loss and may be compensated through subsidy payments.

HCV holders remain in the same property for an average of 8–9 years.

Through our integrated Landlord Portal.

How to become a participating landlord

All Richmond landlords in good standing with RRHA are welcome to participate.

Read the requirements document and watch the tutorial video.

Email hcvpleasing@RRHA.com with information about your unit.

Once a voucher holder chooses your unit, you will receive all the necessary information and forms to get started.

A Meet & Lease graphic featuring hands exchanging house keys.

RRHA “Meet & Lease” Events

At regular “Meet & Lease” events, landlords get a chance to personally connect with voucher holders seeking housing. Participants of all sizes are welcome to come and meet prospective tenants, with the option to apply or lease in person that day.

Check our calendar for upcoming housing events, and reach out to the Leasing Team at hcvpleasing@rrha.com if you’d like to participate as a vendor and reserve a table.

No event found!

Participating HCV Landlords

If you are a landlord participating in RRHA’s HCV program and would like to be listed, please contact hcvpleasing@rrha.com.

Araia Araiainfo@gezzanapropertymanagement.comGezzana Property Management
Alisha Brown-Colemanabrownnc@gateshudson.com; leasing@brooksiderichmond.comResidences at Brookside
Lynbrina Campbelllcampbell@mainstreetrva.comMain Street Realty- Bacon Retirement, Bowler Retirement, Jackson Ward
Vanessa Chestnutvanessaachestnut@yahoo.comPrivate Landlord 
Jeff Crumpjcrump@gateshudson.comGates Hudson
Chelsea Diacontcdiacont@cavacompanies.comCava Properties
Cameron Dossmgr@palmmgmt.comBloom Apartments
Falicite Dudleythenavigatormgr@greystar.comThe Navigator 
Kerry Grygokgrygo@atriummanagement.comThe Nest Apartments
Jennie GuoJennieguoRVA.comPrivate landlord 
Verna Hilaire-leeverna@dobrinproperties.comDobrin Properties
Rita Keelsglenwoodfarmsmanager@artcraftmanagement.comGlenwood Farms
Evan Kendallarborsmanager@artcraftmanagement.comArbors Manner
Sholanda KennerMallardGreensManager@artcraftmanagement.comMallard Greens
Troy Kingsburytroykingsbury@hotmail.com
Fifty Five LLC
Darius Laneamgr@palmmgmt.comBloom Apartments
Terri Martinflatsat25th@thalhimer.com
Flats at 25th 
Lynette MorenoLmoreno@excelpropertymanagement.comBelle Summit Apts
Shirley Murphymurphyshirley785@gmail.comPrivate Landlord 
Tatianna Pittmant.pitman@betterhousingcoalition.orgBetter Housing Coalition
Finnessa Randalllaurelpinesmgr@hvgmgt.comLaurel Pines 
Ms. Robinsonoakwoodmanager@artcraftmanagement.comThe Villas of Oakwood
Priyank Shahpriyank.shah@ari-investment.com1903 Whitcomb St LLC
Ashley Thorntonashleythornton@genesisproperties.comJefferson Townhomes
DJ Williamsleasing@publicpropertymanagement.comPublic Property Management
Natacha Wilsonnatachajoseph@hotmail.com
Private landlord 

HCVP Landlord FAQ