Project Based Voucher holders live in specific properties (managed by community partners) with subsidized rent.
A PBV is a housing choice voucher where the subsidy stays with the unit, not the individual voucher holder. Applicants must apply for specific communities and will then be placed on that community’s site-based waiting list managed by RRHA.

Applying to the PBV waitlist
RRHA manages an active waiting list due to high interest in the program. PBV applications are accepted year-round.
No applicant is entitled to be on a waiting list or in a specific position on a waiting list.
Step 1 – Applicant creates online account
Create an online account with our applicant portal. (If you already have an account, go ahead and log in!)
Step 2 – Applicant applies to be on the PBV waiting list
Once you have an applicant account, you may log in anytime to apply for property-specific waiting lists that best meet your family’s needs.
Step 3 – RRHA emails applicant about placement onto property-specific waiting list(s)
Once your application is received, RRHA will confirm your family composition fits the bedroom size of that specific development.
Accepted applicants are placed on the waiting list. Rejected applicants are notified via email.
If selected to be placed on the waiting list, RRHA is unable to determine or estimate wait time for housing assistance.
Step 4 – RRHA selects applicant to review eligibility for housing
Your place on the waiting list is based on the properties you selected and/or the date and time you applied. Once your name gets to the top of the waiting list, you will receive an email with instructions and a checklist of required documents. You must complete the eligibility packet and provide the documents by a specified deadline.
Once all documents and forms have been received, the Tenant Selection Office will verify background information. The whole process usually takes up to 90 days.
RRHA will review the waiting list application to be sure your family meets RRHA and HUD eligibility requirements, including:
- Be a family unit as defined by HUD and RRHA.
- Earn less than the HUD income limit for the family’s size.
- Be U.S. citizens or eligible immigrants.
- Provide Social Security numbers for all members of the household.
- Allow RRHA to collect and verify all family information.
- Meet RRHA’s standards for acceptable current or past behavior for all family members.
Step 5 – RRHA refers applicant to development for final approval
RRHA Tenant Selection Office will complete a referral form and submit it to the PBV development for final approval.
Step 6 – Applicant moves in
After final approval, RRHA will notify the applicant of a tentative move-in date.
PBV Communities

Afton Avenue Apartments
40 Units
Afton Avenue in South Richmond
Michaels Management
Phone: 804-486-6511

Armstrong Renaissance (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B)
1665 N. 31st Street Richmond, VA 23223

Bainbridge Apartments
18 Units
28th / Moody / Bainbridge
Michaels Management
Phone: 804-486-6511

Cary West
2000-2021 West Cary Street Richmond, VA 23220

Fulton Apartments
64 Units
Government Road / Scher Road
Michaels Management
Phone: 804-486-6511

Glenwood Ridge Apartments
3801 Glenwood Ave Richmond, VA 23223

Goodwyn at Union
2230 Venable Street Richmond, VA 23223

Kingsridge Apartments
390 Kingsridge Road Richmond, VA 23223

New Clay House II
1125 W. Clay Street Richmond, VA 23220

Oscar E Stovall Apartments
30 Units
24th @ Bainbridge Street
Michaels Management
Phone: 804-486-6511

Studios at South Richmond
5409 Hull Street Richmond, VA 23224

Watermark Gardens (55+)
6050 Hendry Ave, N. Chesterfield, VA 23234
Excel Property Management
Phone: 804-500-2300

Winchester Forest
7310 Winchester Forest Boulevard, N. Chesterfield, VA 23237
Better Housing Coalition
Phone: 804-256-3068
Office: 7310 Winchester Forest Boulevard
Phone: 804-780-4200 RRHA Call Center
HCV Office:
600 E Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219
Hours of Operation
Monday–Thursday: 8:30 am–5 pm
Friday: 8:30 am–12:30 pm
Request Reasonable Accommodations
Fill out the 504 form if you are an individual with a disability and you require a reasonable accommodation to participate in any part of the application or housing process.
Email your completed form to, Public Housing Residents submit form to your management office, and HCVP Participants submit form to