In mid-May, the Jackson Ward Community Plan project management team held two community meetings to bring Gilpin Court and Jackson Ward residents, planning experts, elected officials, and community members together to learn about the project goals and timeline.

On May 10, the team met with Gilpin Court residents at Fay Towers for the Gilpin Resident Information Exchange Meeting. Residents learned about the program and goals of each component of the project—housing, people, and neighborhood. Specific topics related to the Gilpin Court site, relocation, and housing options were also presented.

The Q&A open forum provided an opportunity for residents to voice their excitement and concerns for the project. The meeting also provided interactive stations for residents to learn more about each component of the project and provide initial thoughts and ideas for the community plan and engagement events that will be planned in the future.
On May 12, the team hosted a Community Expo at the Hippodrome Theater inviting the community-at-large. Community members learned about the program and goals of each component of the project and had the opportunity to voice their excitement and concerns for the project. One question focused on the many projects that are currently being implemented or planned in the Jackson Ward neighborhood (i.e., Reconnect Jackson Ward, 1st Street Bridge renovation, Belvedere Exchange improvement, etc.) and asked, “how does this plan interact with those projects?”
The community plan provides an exciting opportunity to ensure that those projects are considered and included in the neighborhood plan. To provide clarity, the project management team presented a story map of the projects currently being implemented or planned. Afterward, community members were invited to visit interactive stations to learn more about each component of the project and provide initial thoughts and ideas for the community plan. Community partners were also in attendance to discuss and show plans for the many projects presented in the story map.

Did you miss the Information Exchange meetings?
There will be more opportunities to participate between now and the end of 2023. The next community meetings will take place in mid-June. See below for upcoming meeting dates and links to additional meeting materials from the Resident Exchange Meeting and Community Expo.
Meeting Materials
Gilpin Court Resident Exchange Meeting Materials (5/10)
Jackson Ward Community Expo Meeting Materials (5/12)
Mark your calendars!
Gilpin Court Resident Listening Workshop
June 14, 2022, 6:00-8:00pm, Fay Towers
Jackson Ward Community Listening Workshop
June 16, 2022, 6:00-8:00pm, Gallery5