The Resident Advisory Board (RAB) consists of individuals who reflect and represent the families receiving assistance from RRHA. The RAB works with RRHA in an advisory capacity on specific policies and programs that directly and indirectly impact RRHA residents and HCVP program participants.
The RAB provides assistance and makes recommendations regarding the RRHA’s Public Housing Authority (PHA) Five Year and Annual Plan. These plans are comprehensive guides to the Agency’s policies, programs, operations, and strategies for meeting local housing needs and goals. RRHA wants to ensure that all segments of our communities are adequately represented on the RAB.

RAB Representation Makes a Difference
Your voice is critical in guiding decisions that impact you and your family. RRHA gives serious consideration to the recommendations of the RAB, and will make revisions when appropriate.
Although RRHA is not required to agree with RAB recommendations, after the PHA Plan is submitted, RRHA will report how it did or did not address the recommendations of the RAB.
The RAB operates through independent funding that supports its operation. Potential funding sources include:
- Housing agency operating funds
- Housing agency modernization funds
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) tenant participation funding
Resident Advisory Board Eligibility
To be eligible for membership, you must be:
- A participant in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP)
- A resident of one of RRHA’s public housing communities
RRHA’s Responsibilities to the RAB
- Provide a reasonable amount of time to review and make recommendations for the PHA Plan
- Provide advance notice of meetings scheduled to discuss areas of the PHA Plan
- Provide reasonable means for the RAB to carry out its functions
- Provide the RAB access to communication tools
The Resident Advisory Board is appointed every three years. The next application period will occur in March 2027.

Calandra Trotter
Asst. VP of Housing Compliance