Security Force Security patrol for RRHASecurity Force Security patrol for RRHA


RRHA Resident Tip Line

Got a tip? Report it!

Use the tip line to report and provide details about:

Unsolved Crimes

Illegal Activity


Illegal Weapons

Drug Activity


All tips will be investigated and determined to be credible or non-credible. Depending on the nature of the tip or concerns expressed, investigations may take up to 60 days.

By Phone

Leave an anonymous message on the RRHA Tip Line at (804) 780-4244. (Checked daily.)

For police, fire, or medical emergencies, call 911

Department of Public Safety

RRHA’s Department of Public Safety manages strategies, programs, and initiatives that ensure the safety, security, and overall quality of life for residents.

Martin Harrison “Marty”, Vice President of Public Safety
Office: (804) 780-3445

Security Force Security patrol for RRHA

Sentry Force Security

As part of the Hope, Jobs, & Security initiative, RRHA has partnered with Sentry Force Security to restore safety to our family and senior communities.

Sentry Force Security offers:

  • Experience in conflict resolution and de-escalation tactics
  • Well-trained, licensed, and armed security officers
  • Familiarity with public housing communities, including Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority
  • Tactical and strategic approach to patrolling communities with resident input